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This movie is proof positive that one doesn't need big name Hollywood stars to produce a fantastic story. It's also proof that over-direction and over-production can destroy a great not doing those things. It's so simple. The director just allows the actors/actresses to do what they do best, act. A couple days ago, I finally watched Gravity; a huge Hollywood production with huge stars that took 100,000,000 to make, this movie puts it to shame. The story is fantastic, the stars were wonderful, and this movie won't disappoint. Pirates free movies. If you're considering this film, but not sure, do yourself a favor and spend the time.

Eenie Meenie Minie Mo Origin

Ever fly Southwest Airlines? They are a different kind of airline. Nas illmatic full album youtube. Southwest encourages its staff to have fun. For example, one flight attendant tells her passengers, 'Folks, now get your tush to the cush, 'cause we're about ready to push,' as they get ready for takeoff. At the end of the flight, she sings: 'We had some fun, we sang a song, now we want you off the plane.' A lot of passengers like it.

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