Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi is among the most underrated ones of the Hindi film industry. He started his career with 2003 film Footpath and soon found himself trapped into a certain image. Since Murder in 2004, he is known as the ‘serial kisser’ of Bollywood. Though he tried to change the popular perception with films like Shanghai and Raja Natwarlal, but things didn’t really go as per his plan. However, he always ensured one thing. The songs in his films were always melodious.
You can’t tune them off in the middle. On his 39th birthday, we have compiled a playlist of top 15 of his most melodious songs. Song: Bheege honth tere Film: Murder (2004) Singer: Kunal Ganjawala.
When Emraan Hashmi started his acting career with ‘Footpath’ in 2003, starring Aftab Shivdasani and Bipasha Basu in lead roles, hardly anyone would have imagined that he would be one of the most bankable stars of the country in 2013. Today, he boasts of arguably the most popular song bank in the last 10 years.