Retired homicide detective Chris Anderson and criminal defense attorney Fatima Silva help desperate families, convinced a loved one has been wrongfully convicted of murder. Chiranjeevi telugu movies Each week Chris and Fatima investigate a new case. And each week they are forced to decide whether there's really been a wrongful conviction or whether the family needs to face the bitter truth that their loved one is guilty as charged. 'Reasonable Doubt' is a hard-hitting, balanced and emotional look at the US criminal justice system. .

Reasonable Doubt Updates

Reasonable Doubt UpdatesReasonable doubt updates

Investigation Discovery is on the case. Recently, the network announced their new TV series Reasonable Doubt will premiere next week. The docuseries will explore closed cases “to evaluate findings and either offer the convicted’s family hope for an appeal, or confirm the dark truth that their loved one really is guilty of the most unforgivable crime.” Reasonable Doubt debuts on April 26th at 10 p.m. From: (Silver Spring, Md.) – With news stories of overturned convictions and mistrials, and relentless pleas of innocence from inside prisons, a single question haunts every convict’s family: did they really do it? The search for answers is the central focus of ID’s newest series, REASONABLE DOUBT, profiling the gut-wrenching process of reopening a closed case to evaluate findings and either offer the convicted’s family hope for an appeal, or confirm the dark truth that their loved one really is guilty of the most unforgivable crime. To uncover the potentially life-changing truth, two determined investigators approach these controversial cases from two distinctly different perspectives.