Myth: Serial killers are all white males. Contrary to popular belief, serial killers span all racial groups. There are white, African-American, Hispanic, and Asian serial killers. The Washington sniper doesn’t quite conform to this taxonomy of evil. The frequency of the killings and randomness of the victims suggests that he’s a standard spree killer.

Sniper serial killer

Photo by David Brendan Hall 'There's songs about suicide, drug use, and death, which is a little more serious than what we usually write about,' says Sniper 66 singer/guitarist Dylan Close of the 9-year-old street-punk heroes' new Annihilator LP. 'We're not afraid to cover politics and real life shit, but we tend to throw in a beer-drinking song from time to time, too. 'But the record took a dark turn,' he adds, sipping a beer as the Drinks Lounge DJ spins Duran Duran's 'New Moon on Monday.' 'It's 'technically' a concept album about the Servant Girl Annihilator,' explains drummer April Schupmann, seated across from Close and lead guitarist Jeremy Brister, while a relentless Eighties soundtrack continues with Killing Joke, Prince, and more.

Black Sniper Serial Killer

Sniper Serial KillerSniper Serial Killer

“He was the first serial killer in the U.S., starting in 1884 right here in Austin,” says Schupmann. 'He was the first serial killer in the U.S., starting in 1884 right here in Austin,' continues one of local punk's finest skin slammers. 'He killed seven women and a man in the span of one year, and he was never really caught. He murdered servant girls in their quarters behind the house they worked for in the middle of the night, with a hatchet or some kind of sharp object.' 'There were ice picks in the ear,' interjects Close, who founded the group with bassist Jeff Ellis in 2009.